When it comes to writing your personal profile, you should keep in mind that this is your first impression to your future employer. Recruiters will often say Tell me about yourself and you should think of your personal profile as the paper version of this exact question. It’s no doubt that this is the most difficult part of your CV to prepare, so we’ve put together our top tips to help you create a personal profile that stands out from the rest.
Understanding what a personal profile truly is
To write the perfect personal profile, it’s essential that you fully understand what a personal profile entails. You may have heard this section of your CV referred to as a personal statement or an introduction. Your personal profile is simply a few lines at the top of your CV providing employers with a quick overview of yourself and your experiences. Essentially, employers want to know who you are, what you’ve done and what you can offer them. So, when it comes to writing your personal profile, keep these three things in mind.
Adjust your personal profile for every job you apply for
If you have a breadth of experience, this tip applies to you. You should use your personal profile as a way of showcasing to the recruiter reading your profile why they should contact you. If you’re looking into a marketing manager position, for example, read through the job description and note the skills and keywords they use. Then, once you start writing your personal profile, mention your experience specific to these areas within the job description. The recruiter will then know what you can do and what you’re capable of if they decide to recruit you.
No more clichés
If you’ve fallen victim to ‘hardworking’ and ‘works well in a team’ within your personal profile, you’re not likely to stand out from the rest of the applicants applying for the same job. Cliché’s like these are used in most people’s CV’s and thus hinders the originality of your CV. Your CV is used to help you stand out and using cliches will ultimately have the opposite effect. Try and mention skills that might set you apart from others, rather than the usual cliches most recruiters will be used to. Plus, the recruiter would surely expect every candidate to at least be hardworking, this shouldn’t need noting.
Avoid pronouns
When writing your personal profile, you’ll be used to using the first or third person to make an impression on the person reading your CV. However, using I, he, she is unnecessary because the use of these is usually implied. Instead, you should start each sentence with a verb, such as ‘Eager to work’, taking out the I am. This type of writing quickly attracts attention and get’s to the point much quicker.
Facts only
Let’s be honest, 90% of personal statements are usually full of hot air. You should make sure you’re not overstating your skills or experiences as recruiters will likely see straight through this. Using facts you can back up is a sure-fire way to impress if you get to the interview stage and avoid any mishaps. Great facts to include are how many years of experience you have and be sure to mention figures relating to past achievements.
Hint at Future Ambitions
Even though your personal profile on your CV is mainly used to highlight what you can bring to the table, you may want to mention your future goals in one sentence. For example, if you’re returning to work after a career break, mention this in your personal statement. This let’s the employer know your position and that you’re ambitious.
Structure is key
Now that you know it’s a good idea to tailor your CV towards each role you’re applying for, you should ensure your personal profile follows a core structure. Note your successes first, followed by what you’re recognised for and finally a proven record of your achievements and experiences.
When it comes to writing your CV, there is no right or wrong answer. Every CV writer/recruiter will have differing opinions on what makes a good CV. A personal profile is, however, the most important part of a CV, so keep this in mind when perfecting your opening piece to your future employer.
Once you’ve perfected your CV, head over to our jobs board to see how we can help you in your job search.