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If you're dealing with redundancy, the my platform has been developed for you.

It's official. We're in a recession.


Thousands have already lost their jobs this year, and with the end of furlough approaching, redundancies are going to become commonplace across the entire UK. Figures obtained by the BBC show that firms are planning to let another 140,000 staff go. A figure 5 times higher than 12 months earlier.


If you've been directly impacted by redundancy, you don't need me to tell you how difficult it is, or the knock-on effect it can have on your entire life.


But what I can tell you is that it's not all doom and gloom. If you're an employer making redundancies, you can make the process as painless as possible for your staff and give them the best chances of finding a new job quickly.


If you've been made redundant, there are still industries hiring in their droves, and despite the recession, it's still possible to find work.


That's where we come in. Introducing


How it works.

We have developed a system for both employees and employers dealing with redundancy. With workshops, resources and coaching designed to help you through the process.



Having to make redundancies?



Being made redundant?

1. Introduction To My Jobs Coach
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What our Clients say

Thanks MyJobs.Coach

" is a god send, I have too many exiting employees to help, there is only two of us in the HR team and we have 70 redundancies - its would have just taken up too much of HR's time"

Sue, HR Director, a construction machinery company.

Enter your email address for the latest insights on the job market and any government insights regarding furlough and redundancy.

You'll hear from us soon! | A Precision People Company | 0845 5700777

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